Financial Administration
Financial Auditor :
Rabia Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed
Accountants :
Moammd Hassan Elfaroug Babker
Abdul Rahman Omar Al-Tom
Financial Administration tasks :
The financial administration is one of the departments of the college that is affiliated with the principle and aims to carry out all financial and accounting work in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations and to prepare financial reports and the final account of the college annually. The financial Administration is considered the central executive and supervisory technical body entrusted with completing the accounting documentation procedures, verifying the accuracy of data and reviewing the claims to be disbursed in accordance with the Financial and Accounting Procedures Law. The financial administration of the college aims to achieve the following:
i. Planning, developing, and directing the college's financial policies and practices to meet the objectives and objectives.
ii. Administering the budget systems that provide control over employee compensation and the purchase of commodities, services, and non-financial assets {development}.
iii. Providing advice to the college administration on relevant matters such as the optimal use of resources and budget forecasts.
The financial auditor is responsible for the principle and has the following tasks in addition to what is stated in the College bylaws and other accompanying regulations:
1. . Confirmation of the mandate over the college's cash.
2. Discussing the estimates of the college budget as expenditure and revenue, then preparing them and submitting them to the competent authorities to achieve compatibility and integration.
3. A second signature on the cash checks.
4. Executing the approved budget in accordance with the ratifications issued by the competent authorities in the light of the regulating laws and regulations,
5. Maintaining a permanent record of all documents (financial receipts and checks) in coordination with the internal audit of the college's.
6. Attracting funding sources for development projects in the college through smart partnerships with various financing institutions in coordination with the Administration of the college.
7. Preparing periodic reports on the activities of the financial administration, its achievements, proposals for developing its work, and the final account of the college.
8. Doing a sudden inventory of the college's public treasury and the sub-reserves of colleges and units to ensure the application of systems and prepare a record of that.
9. Carry out the collection procedures to fulfill the college's obligations
10. Permanent follow-up of the movement of the college accounts, and the monitoring and implementation of the accounting methods that confirm the correctness of the various calculations, while taking the controls that govern this movement.
11. Manage cash flow effectively.
12. Representing the financial administration in meetings related to the work of the committees, whenever required.
13. Execution of purchases and contracts for the college's needs of furniture, work aids and equipment in accordance with the laws and regulations regulating that.
14. Supervising and following up on warehouse operations and ensuring the safety of recording consumed resources and periodic inventory of their contents.
15. Supervising the proper distribution and movement of accounts in the financial administration in accordance with the National Service Law and working to monitor their performance periodically with the aim of improving performance and raising competencies.
16. Rationalizing resources to achieve and advance the college's goals.
17. Determining the training needs of financial administration according to its strategic plan
18. Performing any other tasks in this regard assigned to him by the College Council, the Dean or the College principle.