Nursing Science

- : Zaed Sultan Ahmed Sallam
- : Lecturer
- : Male
- : N/A
To achieve high quality level in career duties based on moral and ethical values
together with hands in order to discharge responsibility for the most satisfaction
of management and partners.
-Bachelor degree in high nursing science from Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences -Taiz University in 2009 - 2010 With Excellent grade.
-Holds a Post –University Higher Diploma in Community Health Nursing with an excellent grade (3.77) from Bahri University 2019-2020 .
- Master degree in Community Health Nursing with an excellent grade (3.98)from Bahri University2021 -2022.
-I worked as a teacher to teach the theory and practical part in different
branches in nursing, Imperial College- 2020 and 2022- Sudan.
-I worked as a teacher to teach practical part in fundamental and medical of
nursing, Academy of engineering and medical sciences -2022, Sudan.
-I worked as a teacher to teach theory of leadership and nursing management
and informatics l of nursing, Academy of engineering and medical sciences
-2022 ,Sudan.
-I worked as a teacher to teach theory of leadership and nursing management
.Canadian Sudanese College -2022 ,Sudan
-I worked as a teacher to teach fundamental of nursing and medical nursing
Dar Aluloom Collage, 2022- Sudan.
- I worked with MSF organization as a nurse in emergency department, Nasser
Hospital from 1-3-2018 into 30-12-2019 .Yemen.
-I worked with MSF organization as a nurse supervisor in diphtheria treatment
unit (DTU) -General Yareem hospital from 15-12-2017 into 28-2-2017-Yemen
-I worked with MSF organization as a nurse supervisor in cholera treatment cen
ter (CTC) from 15/5/2017 into 30/11/2017-Yemen.
-I worked with MSF as nurse staff in emergency department in al-Qaeda hospit
al from 15/2/2017 into 12/5/2017 -Yemen.
-I worked as a head of nursing department-faculty of medicine and health scien
ce -taiz university from 17/5/2016 into 20/1/2017-Yemen -ibb .
- I worked as a Nurse supervisor in emergency department at Yemen
international hospital from 22/1/2014 into 24/8/2015.Yemen-taiz .
-I worked as instructor assistant for nursing students in taiz university faculty of
medicine and health science in different nursing branches such as community h
ealth nursing , medical and surgical nursing and fundamental Nursing from 201
2 into 2015-Yemen -taiz.
-I worked Incharge nurse in emergency department at Yemen international
hospital from 15 /2/2013 into 20/1/2014-Yemen-taiz.
-I worked as instructor with international humanity organization of training
program for nursing staff in government hospitals 2012-2013-Yemen-taiz .
-I worked in Yemen international hospital started from 3/5/2011 into 15-2-2013
Staff nurse then incharge nurse in IPD –Yemen- Taiz.
-Diploma in English language, British institute, Taiz (2009)
- course in computer (windows-word –axel ) British institute in(2009).
-I have experience for using oasis system program( for sent medication or other service in Yemen international hospital- Yemen -Taiz .
-Certificate of training with MSF in MCP ( Mass Casualty Plan ) organized at naser Hospital -Ibb on 5-5-2018 .
-Certificate of work experience with MSF as nurse supervisor CTC -2017.Yemen -Ibb
-Certificate of work experience with MSF as nurse supervisor in DTU 2017-2018 –Yemen -Yareem.
-Certificate of participation in the training with MSF about intra-Osseous needl e at CTC -12/7/2017 -Yemen- Ibb .
-Recommendation from faculty dean of medicine and health Science –Taiz university-2016 Ibb-Yemen .
-Certificate of attendance some workshop inside Taiz and outside country of Yemen such as Egypt in the different subjects (infection control ,firs epilepsy conference, ICU and CPR) .2012-2013 -Yemen- Taiz .
-Certificate of participation in infection control workshop in Yemen international hospital 23/6/2014-Yemen –Taiz .
- I get certificate of participation as instructor for nursing staff In government hospital ( republic hospital and althorwah hospital) by training program and give seminars in nursing practice 2012-2013 Yemen –Taiz .
-Certificate for one year of Nursing internship in Yemen international hospital in different department - Faculty of Medicine and Health sciences - Taiz University 2010 - 2011.Yemen –Taiz .
Ability to fluently speak , read and write in Arabic and English
Excellent organizational and leadership skills
Well behaved in dealing with all human kind
Polite ,convincing ,patient and well mannered
Ability to meet deadlines and work in a fast –paced
I published to journal paper in Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS) about lead poisoning in paints factories: workers knowledge and attitude at Khartoum State, Sudan . DOI: 10.9790/1959-1201050109
- Reading.
- Playing sports