Medical Laboratory

- : Mohamed Abdel Qader Mahdi
- : Associate Professor
- : Male
- : N/A
Associate Professor of Chemical Pathology
- Ph.D. Chemical Pathology (2014) Graduate School - University of Khartoum.
- Master of Chemical Pathology (2010) according to research - Faculty of Graduate Studies - University of Khartoum.
- Bachelor's. (Honours) Chemical Pathology (2003) - Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences - University of Khartoum.
Associate Professor of Chemical Pathology – Dar-alaloum College .
-September/2011 - September/2015: University of Medical Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Pathology as a full-time assistant professor .
-Head of Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Pathology May 2018: Joined the University of Khartoum - Faculty of Medicine Laboratory Sciences (Masters program by course) - as a part-time assistant professor.
Oct 2016 - Oct 2017: Joined West Nile College - Faculty of Medicine Laboratory Sciences, Department of Chemical Pathology as a part-time Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Pathology.
- January 2004 - January 2011: He joined East Nile College - Faculty of Medicine and Laboratory Sciences - Department of Chemical Pathology, teaching part-time assistant.
October 2018 - October 2019: Director of the Central Laboratory - Al-Raqi University Hospital.
- Representative of postgraduate students in medical laboratory sciences in many universities and colleges.
- Postgraduate students (Masters) in medical laboratory sciences at: National University - Sudan, University of Khartoum, University of Medical Sciences and Technology.
- Internal examiner for master's thesis students - University of Medicine, Science and Technology.
- External examiner for master's students - Sudan University of Science and Technology.
- External examiner for undergraduate students (oral exam) - Yarmouk College.
- Internal Examiner for undergraduate students (oral exam) - West Nile College.
- External examiner for 6 master's thesis students - Shendi University.
- External examiner for undergraduate students (oral exam) - Shendi University.
- Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Pathology - University of Medical Sciences and Technology (4 years).
- Coordinator of the Master's Program in Chemical Pathology at MLS, UMST.
- Member of the Professors Council - University of Medical Sciences and Technology (4 years).
- Medical Laboratory Science Program Coordinator - Napata College (two years).
- Member in the Egyptian Society of Hematology.
- Member in the Egyptian Society of Blood Transfusion.
Attend the workshop at:
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Gel Electrophoresis and Blotting Techniques - Faculty of Medicine - Tanta University - Egypt - 2006.
- Basic Recombinant DNA Technology - College of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences - University of Malaysia - Malaysia - 2017.
- Basic Teaching Skills - Professional Development Center - Watani University - Sudan -2017.
- Blue Print Center for Professional Development - National University - Sudan - 2017.
- Course Design - Professional Development Center - National University Sudan - 2017.
Master of Medical Laboratory Sciences Curriculum - National University Sudan - 2016.
- Curriculum for Master of Medical Laboratory Sciences - Al-Ahlia University - Sudan - 2017.
- Attending the Sudanese Society of Clinical Biology Conference - Khartoum - Sudan, December (2006).
- Participation in the twenty-eighth annual conference of hematology - Cairo - Egypt, December (2006).
1 - Rana Moaz, Mustafa Dafa Allah, Tawfiq Khojali, Muhammad Abdul-Mahdi, Jadullah Mudawi (2014): Measurement of lipid profiles in patients with acute myocardial infarction with different anticoagulants. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 1. pp. 113-116.
2- Muhammad Abd al-Mahdi, Jadullah Mudawi, Muhammad Amanullah, Muhammad Babiker Abdrov, Jaafar Sorour Zaman (2014): Comparison of Estimation of Plasma Creatinine Concentration Using Javis Interaction and Kinetic Methods in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure. American Journal for Advances in Medical Science. Volume 2. pp. 12-17.
3. Muhammad Abd al-Mahdi, Jadullah Mudawi, Muhammad Amanullah, Jaafar Sarwar Zaman, Muhammad Babiker Abdrov (2014): Evaluation of Evaluation and Computation of Low Density Lipoproteins in Plasma. Advanced Research Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Volume 1 (3). Pages 14-17.
4. Al-Muzammil M, Mahdi M, Jadallah, Amanallah M, Zaman GS, Babiker AM, Albobin (2014): Creatinine ratio during long-term diabetes mellitus in the evaluation of early stage nephropathy in Sudan. Sudan J MS. Volume 9, No. 4). Pages 259-263.
5. Muhammad Mahdi, Al-Hadi Ahmed Al-Hadi Al-Jazouli, Al-Din A. Ibrahim Hassan. S. Osman, Rehab Okasha Mohamed (2018): Protein Measurement of Plasma Protein, Albumin and Urea in Sudanese Women. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 7, Issue 2. Page 204-209.
6. Yasser Amir M. Abdel-Karim, Rehab Okasha Mohamed, Mohamed Abdel-Mahdy (2017): Evaluation of serum uric acid and cross-reactive proteins in Sudan with
Hypertension in Khartoum state. International journal of science research trends and engineering trends. Volume 2, Issue 5. Page 20-23.
7. Rawa Suleiman, Jadallah Mudawi, Rehab Okasha, Mohamed Abdel-Mahdi (2018): The effect of analytical error in estimating liver enzymes. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 5, Issue 5. Page 98-103.
8. Muhammad Abd al-Mahdi, Rehab Okasha, Jadallah Mudawi, Abd al-Raouf Sharafi and Abd al-Hafiz H. Speech (2018): Evaluation of the prostate-specific antigen/total PSA ratio, lipoproteins, estradiol and C-reactive protein in prostate tumors. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 7, Issue 6. Page 8-17.
9. Malak Muhammad Bakhit Hamdan, Jassem Muhammad Adam, Talents of Abdullah Suleiman, Harith Haider, Ahmed Muhammad, Reham Ezzedine Abdullah, Rana Moaz, Mazen S. Mohamed and Mohamed Abdelkader (2018): Estimation of serum triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in cigarette smokers in Khartoum State. International Journal of Current Multiplanetary Studies. Volume 4. Issue 1. pp. 531-534.
10. Sara M. Siddig; Mohammed A. Mahdi; Rihab Akasha; Adil A. Babiker (2018):
Estimation of Serum Iron and Ferritin in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure.
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research. Volume 6
11. Ali Awad Allah Saeed; Omer Abdelhamid Gibreel; Mohamed Abdel Ghadir
Mahdi (2021): E-learning and the Digital Divide Role in Transforming Higher 6
Education in Sudan: An Exploratory Case Study Analysis. International Journal
of Innovation and Knowledge Management. Volume 9, Pages 96-108
1. Comparison of plasma creatinine results using Jaffe End Point and Kinetic Method.
2. Estimation of albumin level in blood serum of pregnant women during the three trimester years.
3. Comparison of Ion Selective Electrode and Flame Photometer in Determination of Na and K Ions in Sudanese Population.
4. The effect of lithium heparin and EDTA as anticoagulants in the determination of cholesterol and HDL levels compared to serum.
5. Comparison of directly measured plasma LDL results and LDL arithmetic.
6. Effect of delayed separation on blood glucose level in samples collected in fluoride oxalate, lithium heparin and normal containers.
7. The effect of analytical errors in estimating liver enzymes.
8. Percentage of creatinine in microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients in Khartoum state.
9. Estimation of serum lipids in hypertensive patients in Khartoum State.
1. Comparison of plasma creatinine results using Jaffe End Point and Kinetic Method.
2. Estimation of albumin level in blood serum of pregnant women during the three trimester years.
3. Comparison of Ion Selective Electrode and Flame Photometer in Determination of Na and K Ions in Sudanese Population.
4. The effect of lithium heparin and EDTA as anticoagulants in the determination of cholesterol and HDL levels compared to serum.
5. Comparison of directly measured plasma LDL results and LDL arithmetic.
6. Effect of delayed separation on blood glucose level in samples collected in fluoride oxalate, lithium heparin and normal containers.
7. The effect of analytical errors in estimating liver enzymes.
8. Percentage of creatinine in microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients in Khartoum state.
9. Estimation of serum lipids in hypertensive patients in Khartoum State.
1. Evaluation of serum urea, creatinine, sodium and potassium in type 2 diabetic patients using aspartame in Khartoum State. (UMST)
2. Evaluation of serum uric acid and C-reactive protein in Sudanese with hypertension in Khartoum State. (UMST)
3. Evaluation of the effect of DM type 2 on the level of microalbuminuria. (NUSU)
4. Measurement of FSH, prolactin and testosterone in patients with azoospermia and oligospermia. (NUSU)
5. Evaluation of the effect of cigarettes on the level of calcium and phosphate in the blood among healthy Sudanese males. (NUSU)
6. Effect of cigarette smoking on trace element: magnesium and iron in a Sudanese population in Khartoum State. (NUSU)
7. Evaluation of trace elements: zinc and copper in renal failure patients in Khartoum State. (NUSU)
8. Correlation of serum zinc and copper with TSH in hyperthyroidism patients in Khartoum State. (NUSU)
9. The effect of cigarette smoking on the albumin-creatinine ratio in standard smokers, non-diabetics, in Khartoum State. (NUSU)