Medical Laboratory

- : Mohammad Adam Omar Manfal
- : Assistant Professor
- : Male
- : N/A
- PhD in Medical Microbiology (Al-Neelain University, 2008).
-MCPath (Mastership in Clinical Pathology, University of Khartoum, equivalent to Clinical MD Pathology, Khartoum) 1992.
- MBBS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum,1982.
Dec 2012 to date: Professor of Microbiology, Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Neelain University.
Jan. 2015 to Aug. 2019: Coordinator of Medical Laboratory Sciences Programme, Nahda College and Professor of Microbiology in Faculty of Medicine, Al Neelain University.
Sep. 2014 – Jan. 2015: Dean of the Faculty of Physiotherapy/ AL Neelain University.
June 2014 to date: Member of the Technical Committee of Microbial Limits Committee in the Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization
2010 -2014: Head of the Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Al-Neelain University.
Dec 2012: Professor in Microbiology (Promoted by Board of Promotion in AL Neelain University).
2008 to Dec 2012: Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Al-Neelain University, Sudan.
2004-2007: Dean, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Sudan International University
1992-2003: Consultant Pathologist and Director of Nyala Regional Medical Laboratory (Federal Ministry of Health).
June-September, 1988: Attended the International Course in Basic Malariology and Malaria Control, conducted jointly by WHO and UNDP in Tanzania and Moscow (USSR).
1988-1992: Registrar (Mastership student in Clinical Pathology which is equivalent to Clinical MD, University of Khartoum).
1986-1988: Director of Malaria Control Training Centre in Sennar.
1983-1986: Medical officer in the Hospitals of the Federal Ministry of Health.
1982-1983: House officer in the Hospitals of the Federal Ministry of Health.
Teaching Activities
2004 to date: I had the experience in teaching of in different Universities and Academic Boards. Examples:
-Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Al Neelain University
-Faculty of Medicine, University of Science and Technology
-School of Medicine, Ahfad University for Women
-Medical Doctorate in Microbiology in the National Board for
Medical Specializations
-Faculty of Medicine, Ibn Sina University.
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Sciences and Technology
- Laboratory programme, Faculty of Garbalnil College
- Medicine Programme, Nahda College.
- MLS Programme, Dar Al-Oloom College
Postgraduate Supervision and Examination
- Supervisor for Master and PhD Students:
1. Chlamydia trachomatis infections among pregnant and non-pregnant women in Omdurman area (PhD).
2. Human papilloma virus among Women with Cervical carcinoma (PhD).
3. Cryptosporidiosis among under five year children with non-bloody watery diarrhoea attending Omdurman Paediatric Hospital (MD).
4. Mycobacterium MT2282 gene on Tuberculosis Patients in Sudan (PhD).
5. Brucella species infecting humans in Camels in Sudan (PhD).
6. The Impact of Educational program on Women with Breast Cancer regarding Management of Acute Side Effects of Radiotherapy in Khartoum Centre for Radiation Therapy and Nuclear Medicine (PhD).
7. Effect of an Educational programme on Knowledge of Patients with Replaced Heart Valves Regarding Warfarin Therapy in Ahmed Gasim Cardiac Centre (PhD).
8. Brucella melitensis and Brucella abortus in Camels’ Milk in Camels’ farms in Khartoum State (PhD).
9. Serological Diagnosis of Bancroftiasis in Shikan State, Sudan (MSc).
10. Diagnosis of falciparum malaria by blood film and ICT: A comparative study (MSc).
11. Serological Diagnosis of Rubella among Female Students in Al-Zaiem Al-Azhary University, Sudan (MSc).
12. The antibacterial effect of the ethanolic extract of Acacia nilotica pods and the seeds of Trigonella foenum- graecum on E. coli (MSc).
13. Handwashing as a practical method in reduction of nosocomial infection (Study in Khartoum Hospital) (MSc).
-PhD, MD, Master and Bachelor Examiner in different Universities
and Institutes.
-All the annual Conferences of the Sudanese Society of Pathologist since 1994.
-All the annual Conferences of the Graduate College in Al-Neelain University since 2008.
- Workshop in Flowcytometry, Al-Neelain University.
- Workshops in Medical Education, Al-Neelain University.
- Workshops in Curriculum Appraisal and Development, Al-Neelain University.
-Workshops in Curriculum Construction for Medical Laboratory Sciences-Nahda College.
-Workshops in Scientific writing, Al-Neelain University.
- Others more…….