Feb 16, 2023 2317

Dar El oloum College for Science and Technology participates in the program of the human right commission in Eastern Sudan.

The college participated in joint program with the National Commission of  Human Rights, within the framework of the college program in serving community. The program contains visit to the states of Gadarif and Kassala from 24-26 January. The program included lectures on rejection of the hatred speech and introducing the concepts of human rights by presenting public lectures for audiences. The program also contains meetings with the governor of the Gadarif state and the chair of the judiciary, general attorney and the director of the police and the central prison of the state. The delegation also visited Ethiopian refugees’ camps in Am rakoba and Am Tanidiba.The delegation was chaired by the dean of the college and Dr. Refat Mergani Abas the chairperson of the national commission for human rights.