Mar 12, 2023 2179

Serving community program- Dar Eloum College for Science and Technology participates in the workshops’ final session of the anti-hatred speech

 Dar Eloum College for Science and Technology participates in coordination with the National Commission for Human Rights and El Geneina University in holding many workshops regarding hate speech in the states of Kassala ,Algadarif , West Darfor, Khartoum and Blue Nile province. The dean of the college presented three Scientific papers in workshops held in Gadarif ,Genena and Khartoum. The project recommendations of rejecting hate speech were released in the hall of international conference in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research on 29th of December 2022, attended by representatives of Ministry of Justice, Ministry of foreign affairs, Ministry of Higher Education, General Attorney, Judiciary Commission and many national organization interested in the theme. The recommendations were handed to Sudan Transitional Sovereign Council.